HomeEntertainmentNo Rift Between Actors Guild Of Nigeria And Abia State Government -Emeka...

No Rift Between Actors Guild Of Nigeria And Abia State Government -Emeka Rollas

The President, Actors Guild of Nigeria, Mr. Emeka Rollas has reassured the governor of Abia State,Dr.Alex Otti of the unalloyed support of the association to his government.

This he said when he was speaking to journalists in Umuahia, Abia State Capital on Sunday,May 19th 2024 .

He explained that the challenges confronting the chapter was due to some unscrupulous elements who were bent on bringing the body to disrepute by creating crisis between the guild and the Abia state government.

While he appealed to the state government to ignore rumours making rounds that the association will make the state ungovernable for the present administration of Dr. Alex Otti he assures that the guild under his leadership aligns with the positive impact in the new Abia .

Rollas said it was necessary to clear the air to stop the crisis from further escalation,as he maintained that the Actors Guild of Nigeria is a non partisan association and would not be used to curry any form of favour from the state or any other government and warned those fermenting problem to desist forthwith while extending an olive branch to erring members.

He also reveals that the guild in the state only has an interim government led by Doris Ogala as elections would be conducted after proper investigations by the committees which has been inaugurated and is led my Ejike Asiegbu.

He insists that the challenge which has lasted for years remains a cloak in the wheel of the progress of the union and will not be tolerated going forthwith while appealing to his members to be law abiding, peaceful and not take laws into their hands.

A member of the committee set to look into the crisis in Abia state chapter of the Actors Guild of Nigeria Steve Eboh also advocated for peace within themselves to ensure a lasting AGN in Abia State adding that there is only one AGN in Abia and there is no need for crisis.
The briefing featured the cutting of birthday cake in celebration of the president with the Chairperson Nigerian Association of Women Journalists, Abia State Chapter, Josephine Ogwo amongst other members of the Actors Guild Abia state chapter and also group photographs.


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