HomeNational NewsRedirect Your focus on Nigerian leaders with reports of significant value,Ben Kalu...

Redirect Your focus on Nigerian leaders with reports of significant value,Ben Kalu Tasks OMPAN

The Deputy Speaker of the Federal House of Representatives,Rt.Hon.Benjamin Kalu has enjoined the members of Online Media Practitioners Association of Nigeria(OMPAN) Abia State chapter to redirect their focus on Nigerian leaders with reports of significant value.

RT.Hon Kalu made this known during an interface with the association as he advised them to ensure constructive criticism when carrying out their functions.
He stressed the need for OMPAN to show capacity by making proper research and training to enable them stand out.

He further seek for advancement in the Journalism profession adding that the advent of Artificial Intelligence(AI) has made it imperative for the quest for more knowledge and innovation-these he believes the association should leverage on in order to measure up to the standard.

The Deputy Speaker also advised Journalists to avoid hasty conclusion in their sensational reporting as what defines a good journalism is not lies but research which has a long lasting effects.
He noted that publishing of bad news about the State or Nigeria will reduce the confidence level of investors, saying that they should strive to project the news that will promote the peaceful coexistence in the Country with the current administration of President Bola Ahmed Tinubu displaying good intentions in the “Renewed Hope agenda moving towards rebuilding the nation.

Kalu maintained that President Tinubu has come to correct the age long problems accumulated in the past as everyone is expected to make the necessary sacrifices to make it work.

He promised to work closely with the media in order to sell the South East development programmes to the whole World while he expressed optimism that the South East development commission will solve all the problems of the region through PISE-P.

Speaking earlier , the Chairman of the Online Media Practitioners Association of Nigeria, OMPAN,Abia State chapter , Promise Uzoma Okoro ,congratulated the Deputy Speaker over his emergence as Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives and also as the first Abian to occupy such position,adding that his south East peace initiative has been a lofty idea.

He added that the association has come to identify with him on the basis of media relationship and to further seek for partnership that will work progressively, following his Constituency programmes and other of his activities at the Green Chamber of the National Assembly.


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